Thursday, June 21, 2007

On a Day Just Like Today

On the Central Coast of California, the marine layer is drifting towards land like it always does this time of year. On the East Coast, it is heating up and preparation for hurricane season is beginning just like every other year. Oklahomans are dodging tornados and the war in Iraq is still in full swing just as it has been for a few years. Life goes on and Jesus still hasn't returned.

Today I did what I did yesterday. I got up, just like every other day and prepared for work. I drank my coffee, ate my breakfast, jumped in the truck and away I went, just like every other day.

This evening I am watching TV and writing just as I did yesterday and Jesus still has not arrived. I wonder when He will come again. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about His return but I know He is coming and I believe He will come on a day just like today.

He told us two would be plowing a field, one would be taken, and the other left. Somewhat just, like today. Two will be driving down the road when one will be taken and the other left behind.

He told us He would come like a thief in the night. I guess the thing about thieves is you never know when they are coming. The thing about Jesus return is we will never know when He is coming but He is coming.

We have been told that Jesus would come again and I simply believe He will come on a just like today. The real question isn't whether He is coming nor is it when is He coming. The real question is are you ready? One day when we, you and I least expect His return He will come to take His kids home.

If you are not ready, don't you think it might be time to consider this Jesus? Every man and woman on the face of this earth has to come to terms about what they believe about Jesus. You might want to take a little time and consider the man Jesus. Believe He is coming again on a day just like today.

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