Tuesday, July 3, 2007

YOUR Declaration of Independence

On the Fourth of July, Independence Day in the U.S., we celebrate the acceptance of the Declaration of Independence, the formal declaration adopted by representatives of the Thirteen Colonies in North America announcing their separation from Great United Kingdom and making them the United States. Celebration began during the American Revolution and it have been the most of import loyal holiday ever since.

Thomas Thomas Jefferson courageously offered in his Declaration of Independence certain fundamental, timeless rules regarding all work force and their coexistence with one another: each individual's inalienable right to his ain life, his ain liberty, and the chase of his ain happiness.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all work force are created equal, that they are endowed by their Godhead with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Autonomy and the chase of Happiness."

On this holiday representing personal freedoms and freedom from tyranny, while we are enjoying assemblages with household and friends, picnics, barbeques, parades and fireworks, may I suggest you take a small time and also contemplate your ain part to your personal freedoms.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Bash Iodine feel equal in value, possible and ability to my blood brothers and sisters? Or make I allow low self-esteem and mistake ideas maintain me from my freedom to express my endowments and abilities?

2. Bash Iodine believe that felicity is my Godhead right and therefore unfastened my head and bosom to have the gifts of life and the Creator?

3. Bash Iodine take the autonomy of stepping out in faith, trusting in life to back up me, knowing that I can never be alienated from the Universal beginning of supply and knowing that Life will ran into me on my terms if I freely and boldly take action?

4. Bash Iodine allow the absolute dictatorship of negative thinking and past conditioning to contamination the colours of my present being and maintain me from experiencing the reddish of heroism and bravery, the achromatic of pureness and innocence, and the bluish of watchfulness and perseverance? (actual symbolism of the U.S. flag colors)

5. Bash Iodine see the limitless copiousness of the Universe in the stars, considered a symbol of the celestial sphere and the Godhead end to which adult male have aspired from time immemorial, and the stripes, symbolical of the beams of visible light emanating from the Sun? (actual symbolism of the U.S. flag) Make I open up my head to have my share of this huge copiousness and allow myself to be warmed and nurtured by the Godhead light?

Or make I restrict my conception of freedom to an extra twenty-four hours off from work and hot dogs?

Something to consider.

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