Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Women In Midlife - Moving From Victimhood To Manifestation During Your Baby Boomer Years As A Woman

As we travel through midlife, as Negro Negro spiritual women over 40, we travel in and out of the four phases of spiritual growth.

The phases in summary are:

· Life is being done to me. Things go on and Iodine am not in control.

· I make my ain reality. Life haps By me

· Iodine go a channel, an instrument through which God, Spirit, the Universe operates

· Iodine acknowledge that Supreme Being and I are One. I get to see all of life as One.

Unfortunately, we often be given to dwell in the first phase although most people I cognize are slow to acknowledge this or even to recognize it. Especially when we are attempting to reinvent ourselves, it is of import not to allow yourself be trapped in this stage. We are victim or those who believe something is being done TO them, whenever we utilize the word because.


You see, when you believe that something outside of yourself is causing anything, you are missing the basic law of the Universe - the law of attractive force which learns us that everything, and I make average everything in life is a consequence of our consciousness or as physicists name it, our vibration. Everything that come ups into our life, come ups because we are a vibrational lucifer to it. Yes, we are that powerful!

You Have to Surrender

Of course, no 1 desires to dwell in the victim stage. But, in order to travel from one phase to another, you have got to give up something. You have got to give up something. You have got got to travel through a purification in order to spread out your degree of awareness.

What makes a victim have to give up in order to take duty for their life? Victimhood - blame.. Every victim have a incrimination story. Some are very smart and intelligent so they make thesis on their incrimination story. And they can joint exactly what happened in their life, when it happened, who did it to them and why they are the manner they are today.

And unless there's a willingness to give up blame, to come up into the Negro spiritual realisation that the lone thing really there is to incrimination is ignorance - not knowing, a individual can be extremely expert at apprehension why something happened in their life and never be healed. This is why we set a strong accent on forgiveness and self-forgiveness and releasing animus and bitterness and all of that material because as you already cognize or will come up to know, all forgiveness is self-forgiveness and what's passing through your consciousness - the resentment, the animosity, etc. is effecting your life, your body, your experience, and is not effecting anyone else.

So all victims have got got to give up incrimination in order to take duty for their lives, in order to get to work on themselves that they may purify their awareness, that they may apparent the glorification of Supreme Being on Earth in human experience.

Where are you still BLAMING?

SPEND time This hebdomad noticing where you are still BLAMING -- maybe it's the weather, the stars?, if my ex-husband only; if my children weren't -- that atrocious machinist - that stupid xyz...

Whenever you happen yourself ANNOYED - see who you have a inclination to blame? Dig deep here. Are you saying it's happening because or are you allowing yourself to be Cause?

Being cause doesn't intend being to blame. So, ticker those messages that are blaming yourself. IF lone you were more than organized.... Had done something... Had not done.. You acquire the picture. Trust me, it's worth the attempt to begin noticing. And, we necessitate to continually be reminded.

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