Monday, March 17, 2008

Krishna the Universal Guru

In this little article I will not travel in the argument whether Krishna was historical or mythological since he is unborn. One can not cognize about his birth rule with ground because his birth is mystical. In Bhagavata Gita he says, ' janama karma cha me divyam...' his birth is Godhead and Godhead can not be grasped with doctrine of mind. So we should go forth this argument and seek to understand his Godhead nature through religion and devotedness since dialectics of faith-devotion lights 1s interior beingness and set ups one to have got his Godhead vision.

All the Gods and gurus of human race faiths are impotent only Krishna is perfect because in him all the Godhead qualities manifested completely. This is the ground he is said to be 'Yogeshvara'. He cognizes all the Yoga word forms perfectly. He declares in his discourse of Gita that he is not only Yogeshvara but "of this human race I am the father, mother, nourisher, (and the) expansive father; I myself am the knowable, the sanctifier, the syllable Om as also Rk, Sama and Yajus". He is the guru because he bids his two natured (Prakriti) the stuff cause of the existence. Being Vishnu he through his Yoga Mayan makes all this three fold up natured existence. In this linguistic context we should distinguish him from Patanjali's definition of Ishvara because Patanjali's Ishvara is just ego realized man.

He cognizes the enigmas of being but can not be a creator. He can cognize the rules sustaining existence but he can not make those principles. Even he is different than a Brahmavit (knower of Brahman) of Vedanta of Sankara because in Sankara's doctrine too apprehender of Brahmin though said to go Brahmin yet can not be a creator. The point made by Ramanuja regarding the nature of Brahmin and ego realized psyche in his Sri Bhasya is profound in this regard. Person psyche can not be execute ishvara's Acts since psyche can not cognize him completely as Sankara himself said regarding Sakti ' saiva tvam vetti parmam tsya nanyosti vedita' than how one can cognize the Godhead of Yogamaya. About Vishnu's Yogmaya apprehenders said it anirvachya (indescribable) therefore by this logic He too is indescribable.

An individual psyche by following the way prescribed in Bibles cognizes some of his enigmas but can not comprehend his all glories. Gita chapter 10 poetry fifteen-sixteen says, "O supreme person, the Godhead of beings, the Godhead of beings, the God of gods, the Godhead of the worlds, by yourself you cognize yourself in your existent nature since those manifestations through which you be by pervading these human races are divine." Godhead himself says, "I stay sustaining this whole creative activity by a portion (of myself)' similar to this there is also a poetry in Purusha Shukta of Rigveda which renders thus 'all life things are a ft (a quarter) of his. His immortal three feet are in the bright human race (in their ego effulgence).

Thus what is the public utility of knowing him who is everything? The great muni Narada too could not cognize him though he is enjoying his company in eternity. In Puranas there are mentions that when ever Narada had a construct of knowing Him he taught him by shattering all his 'knowing' merely illusory. Being Godhead of existence he plays by letting you cognize his nature, his Leela. All this drama that is going on is his Leela, his play. All these manifestations are his drama that he carries through his Yoga that is why knowing his Yoga 1 goes endowed with Yoga ( etam vibhutim yogam cha Mam yo vetti tatvatah....). Krishna is only complete embodiment on this Earth who taught world the perfect way of not only ego realisation but how to move in harmoniousness with universe so far both tin acquire benefit from each other. Discourse on action and spiritualism in Bhagavata Gita is full of mystery.

Through readings applying ground 1 can not pull out significances of the sutras taught in Gita because Gita was taught when Krishna was in deep Samadhi. He never said in the affaire d'honneur state of head that he is Krishna and Vasudeva (the Brahman) is different than him from where he is getting power. Jesus Of Nazareth in his whole life could never state that he is Truth himself he always lived in dichotomy of father-son. Even, when ever he did any miracle he said that it happened because of his father. He had never had any experience of Integrity as such as if he had experience of it; it was occasional not permanent. He never taught those ultimate metaphysical truths what Krishna have taught. Krishna never said that there is any father other than him. He said, "I am the beginning of all; everything return from me. Realizing thus, the wise ones, imbued with love, adore me." This sort of truth was never said by any Negro spiritual instructor of any faith because they were not realized psyches in Vedantic sense of the word.

When Iodine state Krishna is only guru available to world who is perfect and whose instructions are perfect I am talking from this angle only that is from the absolute point of view. Only in Krishna's personality we happen apogee of everything perfect whether it is love, friendship, war, political relation or teachings. His every feat was perfect and universal. As a Guru what he taught in Bhagavat Gita to Arjuna knowing which he fought the great warfare of Mahabharatam is alone and have to be propagated in this human race of corruptness and selfishness. Only a adult male endowed with Yoga of action can struggle the immoralities that are by and big against the Sanatana Dharma established by Godhead himself. About them Godhead himself said, " not knowing my supreme nature as the Godhead of all beings, foolish people neglect me....of conceited hope, of conceited action, of conceited knowledge, and senseless, they go verily possessed of the bewildering temperament of friends and demons."

Vasudeva Krishna have got promised us to descend on this Earth when wicked predominates and always he have fulfilled his promises so allow us set up his way by cultivating Yoga of action. Yoga of action demands that action should be performed for Godhead therefore we should begin performing work abandoning selfish motifs for constitution of his glorious dharma. He is in our bosom always as a guiding principle; this lone because we are selfish and devoid of religion he is not telling the truth to us. Even we are so selfish that we don't acknowledge him seated in our very soul. Whenever military units of pandemonium predominate this human race he takes birth to salvage world from decline. But before his coming- A batch of saints, teachers, intellectuals, concern people, artists, leadership come up and set up the environment for his descend. This Aryavrata the state of saints and Gods had been attacked respective modern times but could not loss its glorification though aggressors vanished. Now in this age of philistinism 1s again we are being attacked, we must stand up up against them.

These wicked military units since they don't belong to us and to our culture, are trying to disintegrate us. They are attacking our culture, our very societal values since they don't have got any societal values and are suffering because of this. We must not let them to deconstruct our tradition that transports highest values for society and family. Their modernity, post-modernity etc are political propaganda theories to enslave humanity; we must oppose all this in the favour of our Sanatana Dharma that have Godhead beginning and in which God lives. Christian Religion died in the manus of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche because it had no tradition as such as what it had was Musa's 10 ethical laws but we have got Vedas that have Godhead beginning and we carried the wisdom of this glorious Bible for centuries; we evolved it, through our life experiences we gave it life. No modern-day societal theory can supply what we people have got created for illustration the four Ashrama system. It have come up out from our experiences we learned that life span is little hence must be utilized in such as a manner that nil misses. So we have got four ashrams system followers which people accomplished all the four achievements ARTHA, DHARMA, KAMA, AND MOKSHA.

In western doctrine life exhaust fumeses in between two ends Artha and Kama . Everything goes around around money and sexual activity because of this what happened they loss all hopes in life in their early age. Because they don't have got containment and peace they desire to destruct others so they propagate sexual activity and warfare as indispensable to peace. They make civilization to carry through Kama and Artha, it have no intent in life so it have go industry. Even their civilization is so worst that it goes a tool for warfare; a propaganda machine. But see, we have got created civilization in which people celebrate; for us civilization is celebration. We believe in jubilation not mourning, we believe in love not war, we believe in household not in prostitution, we believe in higher rules of life not in the theories of power. We are always against those who are against life principles. Rama the Purusottama killed Ravana (thinker-king the incarnation of evil) for constitution of societal values; those very values that are still our core values. He taught a lesson to world that in the name of sexual satisfaction (sexual satisfaction is not a job of everyone societal but of some those who seek only sense gratification) societal values can not be devalued. He killed Bali against the ethical motive of warfare to set up the societal value that in absence of little blood blood brother older brother anyhow whether by military unit or by attractive force can not do sexual relation because if it haps the full societal norms will discontinue to exist.

Krishna is cosmopolitan Guru because what he taught is universal. He is only one who states that as long as Kama is used for virtuousness not for vice, as long as Kama is not against Dharma it is divine. Describing his Godhead manifestations he says, "dharmaviruddho kamosmi bharatarsabhah" I am that kama, O! Arjuna, that is not against virtuousness but that which takes us towards the realisation of higher truths of life.

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