Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Knowing and Doing the Will of God Through New Birth

One of the prima people of State Of Israel came to Jesus Of Nazareth in the night. Jesus Of Nazareth told him that unless a individual is born again he would not see the land of God. This scholarly person did not that knowing and doing the volition of Supreme Being required a rebirth.

He was upset and asked how that tin be. How can a individual travel back to his mother's uterus again was his question. Jesus Of Nazareth said you are a scholarly person in State Of Israel yet you cannot understand this concept.

There are many who still make not understand this concept. We dwell in a 3rd dimension human race and everything we normally understand is through our senses. In every man, there bes another unseeable dimension called the spirit. Only metempsychosis can get the procedure of knowing and doing the volition of God.

We all experience that every twenty-four hours yet deny it. There is something called self-talk. All of us speak to ourselves more than than we speak to others. WE do decision, analyze, and believe through our interior person.

Some phone phone phone call it the mind, some call it the soul, and some call it the spirit. Some may even name it three parts body, soul, and spirit. I will simplify it by saying that there is an interior and outer person.

The interior individual is where our self-talk travels on. It is unseeable and beyond our sense life. This dimensional rhenium birth is what Jesus Of Nazareth s talking about. Knowing and doing the volition of Supreme Being is purely spiritual.

That credence of our iniquitous nature and separation from Supreme Being will alone begin eh procedure of rebirth. Metempsychosis is to admit that we are away constitute Supreme Being the beginning of our being and demand to be re-done. Recreation, regeneration and metempsychosis will intend the same, but different ways to name it.

God necessitates that we change our ways. Only a metempsychosis or a born again experience with Supreme Being can change our manner of thinking, behaving and life before God.

We can dwell any manner you desire before humans. However, when we confront Supreme Being we necessitate to be born again. This new birth will give us new insights, ideas, thoughts, and human relationship with God. Knowing and doing the volition of Supreme Being is a human relationship based on the new birth. New birth alone can vouch our citizenship into the land of God.
