Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gaia and the Soul of Humanity

I was sitting in a eating house on a hot summertime eventide and Iodine started to look around me. I glanced from one tabular array to the other at all the different food, so many different colours, smells and shapes. It struck me how much the World functions us, not just to fulfill hungriness and thirst but also to give us enjoyment. The World is a supplier that assists us carry through our dreams. Why is this? Why makes the World forfeit so much for us?

The World is our support system, we are a portion of a squad and our success takes to the success of Gaia, our failure is her destruction. We were all meant to work as a team, humans, the elements, works and animate beings but world gradually detached herself from her friends and from her soul. Our psyches cognize the Byzantine works of the planet, everything depends on everything else, everyone depends on everyone else. The complex web of life. All thoughts, words and actions have got consequences.

Humanity is leading the manner but which manner are we going? Where we go, Gaea travels too, such as is our responsibility. Elevation our consciousness will raise the consciousness of our planet. We necessitate to acquire involved with our psyches and convey them into our lives, our mundane lives, we necessitate to open up our heads to the huge possibilities available to us. There are many worlds, many realities, all interacting, and one dimension can act upon others. We are not detached from human races we can't see with our physical eyes even though we may believe otherwise. Ripples of life range across the Universe like whispers, to topographic points seen and unseen, physical and non-physical.

It is clip to acquire to cognize each other, to listen, accept and regard the diverseness of our world, it is clip to rediscover the ancient cognition that our psyches carry, it is clip to detect who we really are.

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