Tuesday, July 31, 2007


A big motortruck with 3663 emblazoned across the side can be seen regularly in Nairn.

Look at the Numbers on your telephone set and they spell the word 'food'.

These immense figs attracted my attending a few hebdomads ago. Let me explain.

36 old age ago the risen and life Godhead Jesus Of Nazareth Jesus baptised me in the Holy Place Spirit, and having recently turned 63 that logotype on the motortruck spoke vividly, relevantly and personally.

The memory of that of import and unforgettable Lord'S Day eventide in 1969 is as clear as though it were yesterday, but the important facet of what happened is that it have lasted.

Time go throughs fast. Most people remark on how the calendar months and old age travel quickly. But what Supreme Being makes in your life have an ageless dimension.

Having been called by Supreme Being at an earlier age, this quite dramatic Negro spiritual experience happened much later, but it was nil new.

Fifty old age after Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth Jesus rose from the dead he baptised his waiting adherents with the Holy Place Place Spirit, and it lasted with them.

The first adherents were called by Jesus, and anointed with the Holy Spirit three years on. When the risen Jesus Of Nazareth arrested Saul of Tarsus outside Damascus, he was led into the metropolis and three years later filled, with the Holy Place Spirit. It certainly lasted with him.

With all the jobs in our human race just now - crime, alcoholic beverage abuse, clime change, societal upheaval, poorness in assorted states for a assortment of grounds - as exceedingly serious issues look to be escalating, causing increasing concern, we so necessitate the powerfulness of Supreme Being to travel on serving faithfully, without compromising.

When you have the mercy, forgiveness, saving grace and anointing of Supreme Being for service, cognize that it lasts.

Sandy Shaw

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Message From The Divine Pulse

All is not lost, my chap humans, for I am of the Godhead and I wish to inform you that there is a great program afoot and much to rejoice about. Bash not fear for Supreme Being is near, nearer than you may realize. Let there be no more than uncertainty about this. For I have got spoken to you down through the ages, through your great 1s who translated my ideas into words and placed them in books.

Your Book is one such as idea as were many of your ancestors' classical writings, back when I was moved to animate the great 1s of your race. Bash not despair, my delicate ones, for I have got come up to you here to present fantastic news. You are indeed Whole. You are indeed Free. You are indeed Holy. Take these ideas into your bosom and cognize that this is true. For I have got spoken, and I talk only the truth.

There was a time, not so long ago, when you could not hear my words at all; when you thought that all there was to life was survival. You ran with the animals then, unconscious, unaware of My Presence in your circumstances. You were frightened, lost and scared. Many of you experience that manner today – frightened, lost and frightened once again. Your systems of authorities neglect you, your men of science allow you down. No 1 looks to have got replies of any substance. Wars are engaged in for no evident reason, to fend off some "potential" threat. You delve into alcoholic beverage and drugs for relief. You minimize yourselves. You dwell in a state of quiet despair, all the piece forsaking that which could truly put you free – your Self, your Innermost Being – that portion of you that links you to all of life and, to Me, from where you derive your primary sustenance.

I have got not betrayed you. I have got not deserted you. You have got lost and abandoned your Selves. This have been your error, my dear ones, for I, the Supreme Being of Love, would never abandon His seed. I dwell in each and every 1 of you. Some of you can hear Me, most cannot. Some of you can experience Me, most make not. It is you who have got misplaced Me and not the other manner around. I am the truest and most consistent experience in your life. Throughout your history I have got been there, breathing into each and every 1 of you, guiding you and proclaiming your true nature. Sometimes one of you heard Me and told the others, only to have got this forgotten again soon after. Throughout history I have got had to remind you of your true nature and My Presence in it. Here I am once again, making that very same point and hoping that this clip you'll remember.

Would you like to hear the narrative of the Fall? I will share it with you once again. In the beginning there was a void, a huge unknowing, a deficiency of form. The Supreme Being of Love, Who I am, wanted to make an experience of "knowing," an experience of "appreciation," where you, my creations, could recognize yourselves and see yourselves evolve. The inspiration came to do a beingness in My alikeness who would reflect my top qualities, give those word form and make them accessible. And there you were born my particular ones, by Godhead decree. By My word you were brought to life. You were spirit then and only spirit. You had no word form as you cognize it today, only essence. But that kernel was magnificent, enough to do Me very proud. You became fruitful and multiplied because that is a feature with which you were endowed. You created each other then, replenishing and furthering the Godhead flicker through one another.

This initial procedure continued for some clip until one twenty-four hours some of you decided that you wanted more than power, to make and refill yourselves. And so it was granted. The powerfulness to make and reduplicate yourselves was passed over to you exclusively, to utilize wisely I hoped, but to utilize freely nevertheless.

My top gift to you was your freedom. I put you free to make as you would. And you did so honour Me. Then came a clip when some of you came forth and demanded more than power, the powerfulness to command others, the powerfulness to pull strings and to deceive. There was no idea on my portion to widen this to you, but you took it anyway. Your freedom, already granted, justly permitted it.

I was distraught of course, but could only detect since you were free to move as you would. I watched you perpetrate assorted horrors on each other, all in the name of experimentation. I watched you judge and penalize each other in the name of the Good and the Holy. You continued in this mode for a time, unaware of how you were hurting each other and, therefore, your Selves. Then I decided to do "form" from "essence" to travel the experimentation out of the nothingness and widen it into the visible, where Negro spiritual kernel could be manifest. In your world, that word form is human.

This humanity is just a distraction, a plaything if you wish, for you to see and experience your lessons with each other. At some point this essence, which had go form, forgot itself and its origins. All the piece the program carried on as you exercised on each other your assorted experimentations and lessons.

And these are still going on today. Your callousness, your uses and assorted atrociousnesses go on to be perpetrated on each other in the name of learning. But in your custody this procedure have always been about power, for those of you who desire more than and those who desire less. Your appetency for powerfulness have fueled your greed and the desire to be greater than that which created you. This is at the root of your failure to germinate beyond your Earthly circumstances.

That, my dear ones, is the Narrative of the Fall. You were great, you were beautiful and you were expansive in all manner. But in your haste to conquer, or avoid being conquered, you lost your Selves. No substance what you believed you had won, in seeking powerfulness over each other, you had in fact lost. There is never anything to be gained by conquering another because you are all the "same." You are all equal, equal to Me in fact and we are all One.

What intent have all this experimentation served? To learn you about bounds and boundaries, about healthy interaction, about truth and love, about sharing and justness – all your great human precepts, which so many of you go against and handle with disdain. So where makes that leave of absence you now? On the threshold of destruction? Perhaps. On the threshold of discovery? Perhaps also.

I am here reminding you Who you are, Who you Really are. And you are all much more than than you realize. Your experimentation with powerfulness have failed. There is no greater powerfulness than the Self and Its Godhead inheritance. There is no greater truth than that which I offer. There is no greater wages than what takes you back to your Core, your Self, your ain True Nature, and your Godhead right To Be. I plead with you, my dear ones, to awaken to this truth. You are Godhead and you are Eternal. You are of the Ageless Light. Bash not lead on yourselves by believing otherwise. There is no other truth. There is no other reality.

I am the Truth. I am the Way. I am the Path. Find your Selves now. That is your fate and that is your freedom. Choose peace and love and they will take you back to your Core. You must go aware that you are no better than anyone else and no worse. You are what you are, which I, and only I, created in the beginning. No 1 come ups to Heaven but through Me. Go forth and seed yourselves with Love and Truth again. Brand yourselves Whole and you will see the Kingdom of Heaven turn before you. Trust this and nil else.

Go forth in Peace and Love

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

YOUR Declaration of Independence

On the Fourth of July, Independence Day in the U.S., we celebrate the acceptance of the Declaration of Independence, the formal declaration adopted by representatives of the Thirteen Colonies in North America announcing their separation from Great United Kingdom and making them the United States. Celebration began during the American Revolution and it have been the most of import loyal holiday ever since.

Thomas Thomas Jefferson courageously offered in his Declaration of Independence certain fundamental, timeless rules regarding all work force and their coexistence with one another: each individual's inalienable right to his ain life, his ain liberty, and the chase of his ain happiness.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all work force are created equal, that they are endowed by their Godhead with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Autonomy and the chase of Happiness."

On this holiday representing personal freedoms and freedom from tyranny, while we are enjoying assemblages with household and friends, picnics, barbeques, parades and fireworks, may I suggest you take a small time and also contemplate your ain part to your personal freedoms.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Bash Iodine feel equal in value, possible and ability to my blood brothers and sisters? Or make I allow low self-esteem and mistake ideas maintain me from my freedom to express my endowments and abilities?

2. Bash Iodine believe that felicity is my Godhead right and therefore unfastened my head and bosom to have the gifts of life and the Creator?

3. Bash Iodine take the autonomy of stepping out in faith, trusting in life to back up me, knowing that I can never be alienated from the Universal beginning of supply and knowing that Life will ran into me on my terms if I freely and boldly take action?

4. Bash Iodine allow the absolute dictatorship of negative thinking and past conditioning to contamination the colours of my present being and maintain me from experiencing the reddish of heroism and bravery, the achromatic of pureness and innocence, and the bluish of watchfulness and perseverance? (actual symbolism of the U.S. flag colors)

5. Bash Iodine see the limitless copiousness of the Universe in the stars, considered a symbol of the celestial sphere and the Godhead end to which adult male have aspired from time immemorial, and the stripes, symbolical of the beams of visible light emanating from the Sun? (actual symbolism of the U.S. flag) Make I open up my head to have my share of this huge copiousness and allow myself to be warmed and nurtured by the Godhead light?

Or make I restrict my conception of freedom to an extra twenty-four hours off from work and hot dogs?

Something to consider.

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