Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Great Debaters - Oprah & Denzel Bring Black History to the College Campus & University

"Debate is armed combat but your arms are words." A memorable quotation mark from The Great Debaters produced by Oprah Winfrey's Marx Productions and directed by Academy Award winning histrion Denzel Washington.

"You must destruct your opposition - not only verbally, but physically." So said controversial argument manager Melvin Tolson at Wiley College in East Lone-Star State nearly three-quarters of a century ago.

"I'm here to assist you happen and maintain your righteous mind." Professor Tolson told his argument team, which only lost one competition in 75 arguments over 15 years.

Wiley College, the first accredited historically Black college West of the Mississippi, achieved the impossible in 1935 by manner of its argument team, which disquieted esteemed squads at the University of Southern Golden State and Harvard University University.

Undoubtedly intelligence have far more than to make with finding and readying than tegument color. The movie The Debaters uncovers true strength doesn't necessitate force when it can exert powerful influence with cognition and joint dear expression.

As Black History Calendar Month attacks we must honestly acknowledge African Americans have got always led the manner and been at the tip of the lance to Pierce through wicked and injustice. Without Africans arising to face injustice, there would be no human or civil rights in America.

In this hr more than ever, African Americans must struggle for people of every colour who are being exploited and disenfranchized. The voice of African Americans must be heard throughout our land once again to face injustice! We can never correct, what we decline to confront.

Professor Tolson, whom the film The Great Debaters was made after, an complete poet and provocateur, passionately and with fire in his eyes prophetically lifted up his voice to talk to his generation.

Our state is in demand again, not only of inspiration but confrontation from leadership. The profiteers in authorities have got chosen instead to function corporation state rather than we the people. Therefore we the people, the courageous and bold, must originate and be a voice of scruples to redefine and repossess the personal identity of America.

No longer can we the people be duped by loyal rhetoric and flag waving politicians who neglect our national security and unnecessarily direct our military personnel into injuries manner to struggle imperial warfares with people who we cognize nil about and have got done us no injury whatsoever. No longer can we as a state demonize other peoples and states while calling ourselves good and godly.

Such self-righteousness is hellish and quickly heading toward a twenty-four hours of calculation with the planetary community and international economy. Consequently both United States and its currency are quickly losing international act upon and credibility.

May Supreme Being Godhead enlarge our voice over that of the transnational mass media pudding stones that seek to influence and control the heads of Americans. By the way, what is America? What values make we stand up for, or have got we forgotten them altogether preferring triumph and to 'win the war' - whatever that means. There are no victors in war, only also-rans and abusers.

We must again have got a national argument challenging anyone and everyone across the University and college campuses of United States to an unfastened forum, town hallway discussion, and intellectual conversation to debate the polar issues paving the manner to our national devastation or reformation.

Not only is the U.S. dollar at an all-time low, so too is America's international credibility.

Americans like to be flattered and boasting in their nationalism, but what we necessitate most is to be challenged. If United States makes not go self-aware and brutally honorable with herself, her inclination to dwell in her past glorification will be her end.

Personal psyche searching and national policy rating is what we as a state most need. When public sentiment is in differ with public policy, we the people must not be silent. The great debaters, orators, and writers have got historically always pierced through the darkness to convey light and light to open up the eyes of humanity.

Indeed in keeping with the words of The Great Debaters: "The clip for justness is always correct now!"

Keep crying loud and sparing not until righteousness flowings like a mighty watercourse and justness is served!

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's Your Marathon? Passing the Test

I was trade name new to running, living with diabetes and preparation for my first marathon. As my first diagnostic test run, I entered a 5K race called, "Run for the Cure," in support of breast malignant neoplastic disease research. It was the first of respective obstructions I encountered, long before I even started the marathon. Here's what helped:

Facing Fears - The nighttime before the 5K race, my ideas were racing with concerns about what to make in the morning, what I should eat, and what other people were going to believe when they saw me at the run.

You see, I didn't suit my ain mental image of what a smuggler looks like, and I fully expected that as soon as I walked up to the start line, everyone would halt talking, point, gaze and laugh.

My imaginativeness was running wild. Even with my good support system and so much clip and attempt set into silencing interior and outer critics and edifice up my belief, those fearfulnesses were as existent as ever. I wanted to conceal out and phone call it off.

I knew I had to confront them and challenge them; that I wouldn't be able to make and construct impulse from a foundation of fear. I had to acquire the belief back. So I showed up for the race.

When I did, I saw smugglers all forms and sizes, and more than importantly I saw the marks people carried about the grounds they were running. I looked around and realized they probably had similar fearfulnesses and thoughts, and the fact that we were all facing them together helped me a lot.

We can't allow fearfulness halt us from starting. If we make we've allow it overcome us.

Clearing Hurdles - With any end you have, in any country of life, you'll confront obstacles. It's important to believe ahead and come up up with schemes to defeat then. And just as of import is what we make with the obstructions we didn't predict.

Early on in my training, my greatest obstructions were the sensitive musculuses and pain. It reminded me of my first clip on the water ice to play field hockey after the summertime break.

Managing my diabetes and blood refined refined sugar degrees was another obstruction - I had blood sugar clangs and spikes and reconciliation my diet was a changeless challenge.

But the greatest obstruction of all came just two calendar months before I was scheduled to run the endurance contest in Rome. I was playing field hockey and I dislocated my shoulder. The hurting was incredible - I knew right away that my original clip framework was no longer possible. I wasn't allowed to run for 10 weeks.

I didn't allow it halt me; I did what I could to maintain up my training, by riding the motorcycle and walking. I accepted the state of affairs and just saw it as a postponement. As soon as I could, I started running again. With the solid foundation of preparation I'd had, it wasn't like starting again. I put my sights on the George Vancouver marathon, just 10 hebdomads away.

Reset - Running was really painful with that dislocated shoulder, and so I needed to refocus and acquire connected to why I was doing the endurance contest in the first place.

It's wish that after any setback. Take eating, for example. You can do some unhealthy picks but then refocus and acquire right back on track. We all have got our small slumps, from athletics hard roes to every twenty-four hours folks.

I used to work in a restaurant, where each waiter was responsible for 8 or 9 tables. We might have got three sets of people at each tabular array per night, and each tabular array would be a completely different experience.

In between sittings, we had to make clean the tabular array and reset it for the adjacent group. No substance how good or bad each sitting was, they left and we would reset for a new experience.

After my injury, reverse in my preparation agenda and lacking the Roma marathon, I had to refocus on my end and "reset the table." Life offers a series of tests, obstructions and challenges. How will you ran into them?

(c) Ted Shawn Shepheard, 2007.

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