Friday, September 26, 2008

Am I the Only One Who Notices?

Well Hello Dolly, I can hear my ma say.  That's what she used to state when she couldn't believe what she was seeing or hearing.  She is now lying in a nursing place in Somerset, Bluegrass State cachexia away and awaiting that concluding minute of issue from the human race as she had known it.  It was from her that I first heard of the awful "mark of beast".  

She said no substance what haps I was not to take the grade of the animal and I could read all about it in the "Bible" which I immediately did.  I was about twelve old age old at the clip but the words rang in my head.  Something inch my bosom of Black Maria said to myself, there's something to this.  She referred me to a book phone call Daniel and I read with my very ain eyes the words Daniel was told.  It said, "Seal these things up until the clip of the end when traveling and instruction is vastly increased."  

For some ground I pondered that quotation mark in my bosom constantly; it was always in the background begging me to seek and set some sort of puzzler together.  I knew from hearing to my ma and grandmother that I'd better be babtized or I was going to hell.  

That was was pretty cut and dried to me so the very adjacent clip Iodine could acquire to the Bethany Church of Jesus I went and sat on the presence row waiting for Mr. Gerald Richard Burton to inquire if anyone wanted to be saved at which clip I got up and floated and I intend floated down the islet to the preacher.

 I must have got answered all his inquiries correctly because at around 2 Prime Minister that twenty-four hours I establish myself being dunked in the coldest brook you could conceive of and came up out of the H2O to the sounds of old work force and women vocalizing "Shall We Gather At The River.  That was ok, I was SAVED!  No going to Perdition for me buddy.  Of course of study as soon as I got place my blood brother started smacking in top the caput saying you can't make anything now or you'll be sinning.  

Times were very difficult so before long my ma packed us up and moved to Liberty, the great large 1 circle town i joined the Navy from.  As soon as Iodine turned 17 I left.  I had already managed to acquire myself engaged to some male child that Iodine was for certain I didn't love so I had to believe fast.  Anyway off I went to boot encampment and to the large human race out yonder that I hadn't seen yet.  They gave us a small greenness Gideon bible, all of us, to take to boot encampment with us.  Believe Maine it came in handy.  That's when I really started reading the Bible.  

My first duty station establish me alone for the first clip and it was excruciating for the first twelvemonth emotionally.  I went into a grocery shop shop in Pensacola Sunshine State with a friend and noticed they sold suds in the store there!  I'd never seen a grocery shop store sell suds before so I was already on alert and when we went thru the bank check out counter all the points went bleep as they scanned the figure we now name a barroom codification which rang up the point instead of the teller having to peal it up the now old manner way.  But arsenic Iodine watched this Iodine retrieve clearly thinking about the grade of the animal and how all of a sudden I could understand how we could acquire caught up in a system where we had to have got a figure to purchase and sell goods, just like the Book warned.  

I wondered even at that point how long Iodine would be able to throw out under utmost hunger, especially if Iodine had kids, if I ever had to travel without because of loyalty to me faith.  From that point on I read the Book an hr a day.  If something large was going to go on during my lifespan I didn't desire to take anyone else's formulate for it I wanted to read it myself.  So Iodine read at least an hr a twenty-four hours and stayed broad eyed while out in the human race just waiting for the drape to fall and Jesus Of Nazareth to come up flying out of the sky just like my ma said.

 I learned a batch but didn't have got a hint about what was really happening in the human race around me.  I worked constantly and really got lost in the work and didn't care.  Fast forward to my 4th duty duty assignment which was in Raleigh, NC.  It was a recruiting territory central office so my occupation was sort of like a civilian occupation which intends we had no duty which intends I had plenty of free time.  So Iodine somehow came across a book titled "The Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey.  

I can't retrieve all the anticipations made in that book but two of them stood out.  The first 1 was that an addition in the amount of people on telecasting who claimed to be able to state the hereafter or talking to people's dead relations would be happening and go increasingly popular.  Wa la!  And sol it did.  You can't turn the telecasting on without watching luck Tellers make their thing miraculously.  Second, Mr. Lindsey predicted a rise in drug dependence which would be a major word form of misrepresentation used by the "devil" in his in progress effort to kill, steal, and basically destruct all human life.  

I really related to that because before Iodine joined the Navy, everyone and I intend everyone I knew was doing some sorts of drugs just for the merriment of it.  Addition didn't even come up to mind then.  Only feeling good for the moment.  

Then after I joined the Navy, for the first twelvemonth everyone in the Navy seemed to be smoke pot or doing coke or something to assist them thru the day.  I managed to maintain myself insulated from the drug human race because everyone who stayed in the Navy took drug diagnostic tests and were kicked out if they popped positive for use.  After Iodine retired and had spent 20 sheltered old age with military force I went consecutive into the civilian community and met nil but Crack nuts and heroine nuts who would lie consecutive to  you human face to acquire your money.  

These people are the best prevaricators in the human race because they have got to be to maintain up their addictions.  I understand how easy in this state it is to acquire addicted to something.  Go to the physician and they'll give you hurting pills for anything.  Anyway, since I retired I've had clip to halt and expression around at the outside human race and actually read about what is and had be going on in the Center East, what the stock marketplace is about and the political dirt constantly shoved in my human face on television.  Remember all Iodine had to travel on that was going to go on in my hereafter was what little interpreting I could carry through by reading the Book myself.  

And have got you ever tried to understand the Biblical Book of Revelations?  Take A shot, I make bold you. My hubby of three old age now watched the stock marketplace day-to-day from morning time til close.  He also have his ain laptop computer and trading platform so he can merchandise pillory at place independent of a stock broker.  He lost over one-half a million dollars during the stud com clang so he is very learned when it come ups to the stock market.  However, helium hasn't read all the confederacy material I've read during the last three old age so he isn't so speedy to experience manipulated by the mass media as I do.  It started when iodine decided to drill "speaking in tongues" as promised by the Book as a gift bestowed on people who have got got the Holy Place Spirit residing in their physical bodies.

 I claim to have that since I was babtized.  Anyway since it sounds like a foreign linguistic communication I first set out to understand what I was speaking by studying linguistic communications and how they came about.  I ran across information about Toilet Dee and Mr. Kelly.  According to widipedia they discovered an angelic language.  I ordered the book and tried to read it but it was so 1600 advertisement like that once I was certain that the processing they were using to larn this angelic linguistic communication was what is called scrying, or what magicians or luck Tellers are accused of and that is conjuring up devils through rites performed and ordering them to make their bidding.  

They called it Enochian Alphabet or linguistic communication after the adult male Enoch who is mentioned in the Book as being so fold to Supreme Being that he never died; Supreme Being took him alive.  Kind of like an Ascension similar to Jesus's "beam me up" moment.  Anyway Iodine went from that to learning about secret societies and how and why the Gallic revolution came about and how the United States of United States really came about...not what we were told in school.  

Well in all equity the school taught us right but just left out the secret society stuff, probably because it was secret.  Supposedly the Knights Templars evolved into the Freemasons who broke free from the combination of Christian church and state and created the first existent democracy acknowledging that "In Supreme Being They Trusted".  

Anyway I learned that all these secret societies, though they were trying to interrupt free of religion, actually do vows every  step of the manner until they acquire to the 33rd grade and then they curse commitment to Satan which is what I name the devil.  The people, including my dad, don't really understand what curses they are taking.  According to my dad, he just did what they told him to do, just sort of drama along so he could be portion of a grouping that makes make unbelievable charity work.  But the charity work is like a presence business, sort of like person who runs a pawn store as a screen for running drugs in the background.  

According to confederacy theorists, who I go on to believe are on to something, there is an unseeable manus running things behind the scenes to convey about a 1 human race government.  Just this week, somehow a batch of Banks and fiscal establishments were set out of concern or had to register for bankruptcy owed to short merchandising in the stock market.  From what I've seen and read you couldn't pay me enough to seek to do money in the stock market. But William Jennings Bryan is really smart financially and if there is money to be made he'll be the 1 to do it.  

Anyway you can't watch the stock marketplace for long without realizing drug companies are constantly trying out new drugs on people and I believe just to acquire them addicted so people will have got to maintain disbursement money for their product.  And piece United States acquires numb, the human race is changing around them without anyone realizing it.  Everybody's high or intoxicated or sleeping off some sort of anti-anxiety pill.  Daily, Islamic Republic Of Iran is threatening to blow State Of Israel off the map and universities in our states are turning all the immature people into athiest and communist, temporarily transforming the state into a socialistic state thru welfare, and the authorities bailing the marketplace out everytime it begins to crash.  I have got got read recently that it is possible to have a bit as large as a grain of rice imbedded into your tegument and you can be tracked by artificial satellite anywhere in this world.  That don't sound good to me.  

Also, since the cyberspace came out and I have got my plastic standard atmosphere card, I rarely see hard cash anymore; no demand for it. But what haps when we begin relying on a figure or a piece of plastic to eat and the lone manner to obtain groceries, gas or anything else?  Especially if the ruler of the state at the clip take a firm stands we worship him or her in order to utilize the system?  Kind of chilling to me.  

I can see how the conflict of Armageddon could come up about in my lifespan especially over a natural resource like oil. I can see how there will never be peace in the Center East because of the clang between Muslims and Jews and Christians and their basic differences in the manner they believe and they all are fighting to have got Capital Of Israel when their peculiar Jesus come ups place to put up their kingdom.  Wonder which grouping will be right.  I'm betting on Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth because he is the lone 1 who sacrificed for me.  

And the more than Iodine larn about curse words and charming I'm really going with Jesus.  What make you think?  Are we at the threshold of a 3rd warfare which will probably be nuclear?  And is it faith again causing all of this?  


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work is Burning You Out? Turn Your Workplace Into a 9-5 Party!

Office hours can be an ultimate drag. Imagine going into your workstation mundane and to be assailed with the arrant dulness of it. Most probably everything is as apparent as your 9-5 desk occupation is. Sol how make you happen inspiration in such as desperate circumstances? Of course of study by adding spice to the natural bore-fest that is your work shift! But is it really possible to personalise your workplace into that well of inspiration that it should go to fuel your days? Why certainly!

So what can you make to demo a small spot of that individualism when a batch of what your business office anticipates of you trusts on your doing your occupation effectively, like everyone else? Changeless uniformity can draw you down sometimes. Luckily here are a few ways for you to reserve your individualism while at bay in those four walls:

- Make a collage: Determination that work is keeping you from disbursement clip with the people you love and all those lovely topographic points you lose look so far away? Keep them always by your side by making a montage on your cell wall! If you desire a batch more creativeness in your day, usage the Godhead tools of photograph redaction and the Internet to assist you in your quest. If you prefer to travel old school, mags and old images work the best. Your ultimate solution? A mix-up of old and new volition acquire you the perfect balance you need.

- Create a music shrine: If you are your office's occupant music geek, it would be best to allow the human race cognize it with just one expression towards your cubicle! Fill it up with postings and pins of your favourite sets or singers. You can even lodge things like clean CDs, words sheets or musical tons to do you the office's accepted male monarch or queen of music.

- Setup a mini business business business office theater: Of course of study this lone plant if your office lets you to have got moderately loud sounds. But hey, anything is probably permissible after 5 PM, right? If you like working late, diddly-squat up the talkers on your computing machine then scatter the environ sound units of measurement on the far stop of the workstation. Watch as your working day visible lights when you watch astonishing audio-visual films like 'Saving Private Ryan' or 'War of the Worlds' on your workstation!

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Friday, September 12, 2008

What is Ego

Many modern times during a human race life span we experience our egotism is necessary so that we are able to work fully as intelligent beingnesses and to cover with the existent world. But having these feelings also inhibits us and do us fear.

Having an egotism offprints us from the existence and from God, this enactment of separation do the fearfulness of loss. It is this fearfulness of loss that brands us desire control. Control of the existence and everything in it - if we cannot control it we may lose it. The Ego Michigan us trusting in the universe.

It is Ego that is stopping people experiencing the pleases of what the existence have to offer. Without Ego we can go limitless and boundless. We can happen new powers, new creativity, new chances for growth, for love, for harmony, peace and joyousness in our lives that before we allow travel of our Ego we could not get to conceive.

How make you free yourself of Ego? We have got all been taught to allow your head do the determinations and not to listen to your heart. Your head after all, is a terrific machine and can work anything out. Ego is this barrier between the bosom and the mind. The demand to show your positions on a given subject - because you 'know' it to be right, regardless of whether people desire to listen or not. Ignoring the feelings of others because your actions are the 'right' actions to take. These are both illustrations of the Ego at work. Both illustrations of our demand to 'control'. The Ego believes it cognizes best. The voice of the bosom doesn't stand up a chance.

We have got not been taught that what is simple is what is right. The existence runs simply. Balance and harmoniousness in the natural world, in the animate being world. Any human race that makes not have got Ego, runs very simply. It looks the end of Negro spiritual beliefs to spell back us to our connexion to that universe, to our Eternity so that we, too, can dwell simply, in balance and harmoniousness with all that is. If indeed this is the goal, the intent of that goal, the intent of letting travel of ego, is to also allow spell of the changeless fearfulness in which we all live.

Letting go of Ego is a very difficult lesson to learn. Very hard. But despite its difficulty, it looks to be the lone lesson if it is your end to accomplish peace. Or enlightenment. It is the lone lesson if your end is to attain that topographic point where you can truly say: "I don't desire to be better than you; I desire to be better than me."

And so letting spell of the egotism is a difficult process, which is also a very chilling process. But losing the egotism is also a fantastic thing. It conveys us closer to our hearts. It enables us to experience more than than we have got ever felt. It can enable us to see ourselves in a totally different manner and in doing so, happen new dimensions to ourselves. The loss of egotism may give us the sense that we are living near to our souls. Until we begin the procedure of turning down and finally shutting off the voice of Ego, the voice of our Black Maria cannot be heard.

One manner to begin this procedure is to acknowledge when your Ego coming into play. Whether it is by you wanting to rectify someone, explicate that their positions are wrong (in your head anyway), if you experience choler at person for their actions towards you. Then admit these feelings to yourself, be it confusion, anger, hatred, or frustration,what ever they may be. Just experience them flowing through your body. Bash not act. Just feel. Stop yourself from reacting. From passing judgement. Just allow it be. Gradually overtime the Ego will not be as strong and will begin to loosen it's throw over your heart. This not only do you aware of how often your Ego come ups into play, it will also astonish you how quickly you begin to experience different in yourself. How the peace within you turns as your Ego diminishes.

The remotion of egotism is a Negro spiritual idea. It takes the word form of existent human race experiences. Supreme Being is us and we are God's operatives. These experiences that Supreme Being gives us are of import not so much for what they are but more than for what they teach. And one version of what they learn is that they are there to let us to cast our egotism and link with God. And one ground we necessitate to link with Supreme Being is to allow us to let travel of fear. And one ground we necessitate to allow travel of fearfulness is that it is fearfulness that offprints us from each other and in so doing, maintains us from determination ourselves.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gaia and the Soul of Humanity

I was sitting in a eating house on a hot summertime eventide and Iodine started to look around me. I glanced from one tabular array to the other at all the different food, so many different colours, smells and shapes. It struck me how much the World functions us, not just to fulfill hungriness and thirst but also to give us enjoyment. The World is a supplier that assists us carry through our dreams. Why is this? Why makes the World forfeit so much for us?

The World is our support system, we are a portion of a squad and our success takes to the success of Gaia, our failure is her destruction. We were all meant to work as a team, humans, the elements, works and animate beings but world gradually detached herself from her friends and from her soul. Our psyches cognize the Byzantine works of the planet, everything depends on everything else, everyone depends on everyone else. The complex web of life. All thoughts, words and actions have got consequences.

Humanity is leading the manner but which manner are we going? Where we go, Gaea travels too, such as is our responsibility. Elevation our consciousness will raise the consciousness of our planet. We necessitate to acquire involved with our psyches and convey them into our lives, our mundane lives, we necessitate to open up our heads to the huge possibilities available to us. There are many worlds, many realities, all interacting, and one dimension can act upon others. We are not detached from human races we can't see with our physical eyes even though we may believe otherwise. Ripples of life range across the Universe like whispers, to topographic points seen and unseen, physical and non-physical.

It is clip to acquire to cognize each other, to listen, accept and regard the diverseness of our world, it is clip to rediscover the ancient cognition that our psyches carry, it is clip to detect who we really are.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

No Pain, No Gain?

Have you ever watched people endure at the gym?

I retrieve one peculiar adult male who always reminded me of a medieval priest self-flagellating inch penalty for his sins. Drive himself into his sixteenth set of 85 repeats at a weight three modern times his own, he seemed to take a perverse pleasance in torturing his organic structure on a day-to-day basis. Every clip I saw him, he was wearing a new knee joint poise or elbow joint poise or cervix poise (at one point he showed up with his leg in a cast of characters to work his upper body)!

The myth of "no pain, no gain" is pervading in our society. Whether it manifests in your life at the gym, in the office, or in your human relationships (!), most of us happen ways of punishing ourselves for the best of all possible purposes - to assist us to grow, and to actuate ourselves to go "better" people. The lone job is it doesn't work. Oh, it might work for an hour, a day, or even a month, but over clip the hurting slices and we happen ourselves right back in the old form of behaviour. Or worse still, we penalize ourselves, experience bad, and then eat bar and take drugs and do things we'll repent later in order to make the bad feelings we've just created spell away....

Allow me to share my personal doctrine on the subject. I can summarize it up in a simple phrase:

No Pain, no pain!

It's not that I believe hurting must be avoided at all costs, or that we should give up on something we cognize we desire to make as soon as it acquires difficult. It's just that I've go aware that when we are pursuing our ends and life our dreams, some of what we make is painful, and some of it isn't. You don't acquire any other points for suffering, unless you make up the regulations of the game that way...

You can make today's experimentation at home, or if you prefer, at the gym. I utilize the illustration of sit-ups, but any exercising from jogging to the bench fourth estate to Yoga will do. As with all exercise, be certain you've taken expert advice, including your own, before attempting anything more strenuous than your usual routine...

1. Bash a few sit-ups the manner you would normally make them.

2. Stop, and make at least five sit-ups arsenic penalty for all the fatty nutrients you've eaten in the past week.

3. Now, make at least five sit-ups arsenic an enactment of self-love. Think about the astonishing miracle that is your body, and if it's not too bromidic for you, give thanks your tummy musculuses for keeping your trunk strong. (If it is too bromidic for you, acquire over it! :-)

4. Notice which experience was more than like your normal exercising experience. If you enjoyed the experience of exercising as an enactment of self-love, transport on with that mental attitude and wonder at the wages your organic structure will give you as your regular modus operandi is infused with a new energy and awareness.

Have fun, larn heaps, be safe, and remember:

No pain, no pain!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Motivation Techniques And Strategy For Success: Truth About How To Succeed In Life Every Time

Using simple techniques and schemes along with a powerful motive for success, you can win in life at anything every time. - Let's happen out how!

I was talking to a friend over dinner and he was just telling me how he met his wife, who he have been with for 17 old age now and counting. They are still in love like as if they just met - A great success narrative I must say.

He told me how his former girlfriend had left him, how he was depressed, and how he really wanted to fill up that spread in his life. One twelvemonth had past, all motive techniques were useless, and he still wasn't himself, he had lost his drive, and it was affecting his work as well. There was no Motivation for success any more.

One day, he decided to unbend his life out, and the best way, was to take a trip so he can unclutter his head. He promised himself that when he would be back that he will be a new man, full of energy, a ardor to win and would surely happen himself person he loves - and loves him back.

While he was in Malaysia, he got caught up in the center of a barroom fight, where a broken glass injured him. He was taken to the infirmary for stitches.

... To cut a long narrative short, he met his hereafter married woman in the hospital. - He succeeded, he was motivated once again. What happened was that she came in to see a friend who was ill, they talked a spot - nil much happened then, but soon after, they met at the airport, they were on the same flight, and there you have got it... 17 old age later he is happily married with three kids... Talk about techniques and strategy, there was none... motive to win was the winner.

Now, our narratives may not always be as glamourous as my friend's, - but it may be, if we take a near look... Success and motive are cardinal participants in getting anything you want, but technique cannot be overlooked either.

So, what did we larn from this story?

This life we dwell in, is full of mysteries, and we cannot have got absolute control over the things that go on to us, and when, no substance the techniques and schemes we apply. However, when we are motivated and ready for something, and really desire it bad adequate to work our manner towards achieving success, we will eventually win at it for sure.

You may have got been in a similar situation, where you wanted to win at something so bad, and you decided on the best technique and scheme to travel about getting it. Eventually you happen yourself facing so many difficulties, that you just wanted to give up. However, just because of the motivation, desire and attempt you had already set in, you could not halt moving forward to success. You still kept pushing, and eventually what you were seeking just came to you without effort.

You thought to yourself... why all the hassle?

Or did you give up before it happened?

I've tried for some clip now, to analyze this phenomenon, to happen if there is a formula, a technique on how things really work. I came up with an reply based on a popular expression "God assists those who assist themselves".

What I discovered is that, if we make nil about it, we will acquire nothing. But if we seek difficult enough, believing that it will work, it will eventually fall into our laps... Even if the consequences are not directly related to our attempt and techniques. The motive for success and the targeted enactment alone is cogent evidence enough that we really desire it and we will acquire it.

A very simple illustration is what happened to me just last month. Whenever I begin a new project, I have got this wont of trying to equilibrate my payments with another- actually, it's just so I acquire the sense experience that it is free money I'm putting into that investment. Iodine cognize it's silly, but it works for me.

I hired person to construct a new software system that volition cost me $7,000. So now, I needed to equilibrate that payment. To make this, I will desire to take on a new client just for that purpose.

What happened adjacent was amazing; - After my hunt for a new client to equilibrate that payment (I applied Motivation and techniques for success). I got an electronic mail 2 hebdomads later from an old client I had not spoken to in 4 years, and he referred me to person who needed my aid with a website. What he wanted was an auction bridge land site just like eBay as well as the schemes to do it work. Guess what, I make run an auction bridge business, and conjecture what again. I sold my usage script, plus some hours of consulting for $7,500. How eldritch is that?

So you see; anything is possible!

We just necessitate to define the end consequence - Whether it is health, wealth, happiness, or a perfect relationship... anything. Then be motivated and make a success program to accomplish it, using assorted figure of techniques... really all this is to maintain you motivated and let you see your way more clearly... you should really work difficult to follow through to success. The end consequences will most likely be positive, even if not in the manner we imagined, but it will be.

The message for today is Visualize your goals, take action and you will succeed.

~ exercise ~

Motivation techniques and scheme for success:

1: Write down on a piece of paper or on your word processor, ONE clearly defined end consequence you desire.

2: When you have got determined your end in a clearly written form, also using figs as a measurement of success where relevant, then, put a clip framework you anticipate to attain this goal.

Taking you wellness for example: Instead of focusing on the illness, believe about something that this unwellness have been depriving you of achieving, (think of the larger picture) and work towards achieving that.

3: Now let's state you put a short term end for one month. We can interrupt down the techniques and schemes of that end into weeks, then days, hours, proceedings and even seconds... Starting right now. By doing this, you can easily make short term multiple checkpoints to assist you measurement your success of your techniques and scheme in the long run.

You should honor yourself at each checkpoint to maintain you motivated to succeed.

Remember the cardinal is to be realistic in your end scene and most of all, confident that your technique will work... just as simple and consecutive forward as mathematics. 1+1+1 = 3 :)

The human race would be a much better topographic point if you and the people around you all experienced interior peace, abundance, joyousness and happiness... We number on you to assist spreading the word of the fantastic gifts of life.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Women In Midlife - Moving From Victimhood To Manifestation During Your Baby Boomer Years As A Woman

As we travel through midlife, as Negro Negro spiritual women over 40, we travel in and out of the four phases of spiritual growth.

The phases in summary are:

· Life is being done to me. Things go on and Iodine am not in control.

· I make my ain reality. Life haps By me

· Iodine go a channel, an instrument through which God, Spirit, the Universe operates

· Iodine acknowledge that Supreme Being and I are One. I get to see all of life as One.

Unfortunately, we often be given to dwell in the first phase although most people I cognize are slow to acknowledge this or even to recognize it. Especially when we are attempting to reinvent ourselves, it is of import not to allow yourself be trapped in this stage. We are victim or those who believe something is being done TO them, whenever we utilize the word because.


You see, when you believe that something outside of yourself is causing anything, you are missing the basic law of the Universe - the law of attractive force which learns us that everything, and I make average everything in life is a consequence of our consciousness or as physicists name it, our vibration. Everything that come ups into our life, come ups because we are a vibrational lucifer to it. Yes, we are that powerful!

You Have to Surrender

Of course, no 1 desires to dwell in the victim stage. But, in order to travel from one phase to another, you have got to give up something. You have got to give up something. You have got got to travel through a purification in order to spread out your degree of awareness.

What makes a victim have to give up in order to take duty for their life? Victimhood - blame.. Every victim have a incrimination story. Some are very smart and intelligent so they make thesis on their incrimination story. And they can joint exactly what happened in their life, when it happened, who did it to them and why they are the manner they are today.

And unless there's a willingness to give up blame, to come up into the Negro spiritual realisation that the lone thing really there is to incrimination is ignorance - not knowing, a individual can be extremely expert at apprehension why something happened in their life and never be healed. This is why we set a strong accent on forgiveness and self-forgiveness and releasing animus and bitterness and all of that material because as you already cognize or will come up to know, all forgiveness is self-forgiveness and what's passing through your consciousness - the resentment, the animosity, etc. is effecting your life, your body, your experience, and is not effecting anyone else.

So all victims have got got to give up incrimination in order to take duty for their lives, in order to get to work on themselves that they may purify their awareness, that they may apparent the glorification of Supreme Being on Earth in human experience.

Where are you still BLAMING?

SPEND time This hebdomad noticing where you are still BLAMING -- maybe it's the weather, the stars?, if my ex-husband only; if my children weren't -- that atrocious machinist - that stupid xyz...

Whenever you happen yourself ANNOYED - see who you have a inclination to blame? Dig deep here. Are you saying it's happening because or are you allowing yourself to be Cause?

Being cause doesn't intend being to blame. So, ticker those messages that are blaming yourself. IF lone you were more than organized.... Had done something... Had not done.. You acquire the picture. Trust me, it's worth the attempt to begin noticing. And, we necessitate to continually be reminded.

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